Commercial Product Photography Case Study

A recent project was to photograph electric scooters in action for Eskuta, we have worked with Eskuta for a number of years photographing their electric bikes for their website for static commercial product photography.

This, however, was a new challenge to add a model to the mix and to take the bikes out into an urban setting to capture some action shots. We decided to choose the Custard Factory in Birmingham because of its central location and also its abundance of graffiti and urban scenes.

We had control of the location but one thing we did not have control over was the weather, the morning we picked to do the shoot was one of the dankest, cold, grey, miserable Monday mornings that I have experienced in a long time.

Changing the date wasn't an option, so I had to come up with a plan to make the best of a bad situation. My plan was to use off-camera flash to replicate the sun, it’s a technique I have used for wedding photography and it is very convincing.


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